works - 02 Flores de Manjerico
Flores de Manjerico

Flores de Manjerico is inspired by the hanging gardens and classical sale kiosks that fill the city by the time of the S. João traditional fest.
FAHR 021.3 proposes a piece that seems like a blanket of basil flowers that rises in the public space engaging the viewer in an emotional and sensory way. Two raised corners absorb the passersby, involving us by green lines and spots generated by basil flowers, assuming something attractive and provocative in the context of the street.
The structure is a square, made entirely from wood, split in two separate parts. From above - covered in small basil vases - it appears to be a plain green blanket. From the street point of view, the structure raises, step by step, graciously displaying each row of golden-green fuzzy balls.


Filipa Frois Almeida, Hugo Reis, Luís Fonte


Filipa Frois Almeida


Porto Lazer


Porto, Portugal



020302 Flores de Manjerico
020304 Flores de Manjerico
020305 Flores de Manjerico
020306 Flores de Manjerico
020303 Flores de Manjerico
Flores de Manjerico
works - 02 Flores de Manjerico

Flores de Manjerico is inspired by the hanging gardens and classical sale kiosks that fill the city by the time of the S. João traditional fest.
FAHR 021.3 proposes a piece that seems like a blanket of basil flowers that rises in the public space engaging the viewer in an emotional and sensory way. Two raised corners absorb the passersby, involving us by green lines and spots generated by basil flowers, assuming something attractive and provocative in the context of the street.
The structure is a square, made entirely from wood, split in two separate parts. From above - covered in small basil vases - it appears to be a plain green blanket. From the street point of view, the structure raises, step by step, graciously displaying each row of golden-green fuzzy balls.


Filipa Frois Almeida, Hugo Reis, Luís Fonte


Filipa Frois Almeida


Porto Lazer


Porto, Portugal



020302 Flores de Manjerico
020304 Flores de Manjerico
020305 Flores de Manjerico
020306 Flores de Manjerico
020303 Flores de Manjerico desenvolvido por Bondhabits. Agência de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de websites e desenvolvimento de apps mobile